Molino Pasini, flour producer of 80 years and Che Pizza! will offer the countries most famous pizzas in Italy for everybody to taste On October 7-8 in Milan, in a pleasant garden setting in Via Tortona.

Everything you'd expect from a project in Via Tortona, design and taste reign, this time via Molini Pasini’s concept of the ideal pizzeria. Attention to the product? Of course, but then there's also the mood.

The concept for the pizzeria was conceived by Pasini and presents a garden that encourages relaxation and buon gusto. The contemporary space created in collaboration with Vandersande Studio with design by Knoll e Cassina, elevates the experience of enjoying a simple pizza.
“Art is attention to detail, the environment, beauty, photography and design"
In his own words Gianluca Pasini recounts the process (translated from Italian):
“Art is attention to detail, the environment, beauty, photography and design my greatest passions together with my job. I tried to translate the concept of pizzeria in a new experience.
Exactly like the pizzaioli participating at Che Pizza! They elevate this dish, which is so good and the symbol of the gastronomic Italian culture but too often ill-treated. I wanted to modify the canons of welcoming in the place where pizza is savoured.
More than checked tablecloths and wooden counters, I wanted to recreate a veritable garden, which reminds us of the importance of the earth in all of our dishes. With the collaboration of the Vandersande studio, I researched a concept that was able to turn such a familiar environment for all Italians, into something unusual. The result is a place conveying the corporate Pasini style. Simple but refined, with an attention for the ambience and all small details that make the difference.”
“Per me, arte e' attenzione ai dettagli e all’ambiente, bellezza, fotografia e design, le mie due piu' grandi passioni insieme al lavoro. Ho cercato di condensare in un’esperienza nuova il concetto di pizzeria.
Esattamente come i pizzaioli presenti a ChePizza! Stanno elevando questo piatto, cosi' buono e identificativo della cultura gastronomica italiana ma spesso cosi' bistrattato. Io ho voluto modificare i canoni di accoglienza del locale nel quale si degusta."
Messi al bando la tovaglia a quadretti e i banconi di legno, ho voluto quindi ricreare un vero e proprio giardino, che ci ricordasse quanto e' importante la terra per realizzare tutti i nostri piatti.
E ho studiato in collaborazione con lo studio Vandersande un concept che rendesse il piu' possibile inconsueto un ambiente così familiare per tutti gli italiani: ne e' uscito un luogo che racconta molto dello stile aziendale Pasini. Semplice ma raffinato, attento all’ambiente e ai piccoli dettagli che fanno la differenza.”
Instagram: molino_pasini
Facebook: Molino Pasini / L'Arte della Farina